Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This website belongs to Ventures Arabian Group Oil and Gas Limited. Our server automatically identifies the domain name of each visitor to our site but does not retrieve their email addresses (when possible).

We collect only the domain names of visitors, email addresses of those who post messages on our bulletin board or communicate with us via email, and the addresses of users engaging in chat areas. Additionally, we gather aggregated data on pages accessed by consumers, along with volunteered information such as survey responses or site registrations.

The information we collect is used to enhance the content of our website, notify users about updates, and contact them for marketing purposes. Regarding cookies: we use them to store visitor preferences, track user activity on our site to improve service for returning visitors, and tailor webpage content based on browser type or other details provided by the visitor.

If you wish to stop receiving emails from us, please notify us by sending an email to the address provided above. Occasionally, we may share email addresses of site visitors with reputable organizations whose products or services might interest you. If you do not want us to share your email address, please inform us by calling the provided number.

Regarding advertisements: To offer relevant promotions, we collaborate with third-party companies that place ads on our website. These ad servers may collect details such as domain type, IP address, and clickstream information during your visit.

Visitors can request access to all information, including proprietary details, that we maintain about them. For sensitive data such as financial or health information, we use secure servers and notify users through pop-ups when transferring such data. If you believe our website does not comply with its stated privacy policies, please contact us using the provided address or phone number.